Happy Easter! We hope you enjoyed the sunshine if you had the opportunity to go outdoors.
This is the first of our mini-newsletters which we’ll be using to keep in touch with everyone during the current difficulties. Firstly, if you haven’t already done so, please have a look at the new Home Page of our website (Crowborough-arts.org.uk). We’ve turned it into a sort of online exhibition featuring the creative output of our members! We’re updating it constantly to keep it refreshed, and are putting older items into an archive so we don’t lose anything. We’d really appreciate it if you could take a few moments to have a look and let us have your feedback - and please do send us anything you’d like to share. We want it to be a really lively and entertaining resource for everyone so the more contributions we get the better!
Steering Group member Christine Roberts has begun a series of workshops on poetry written in response to paintings. Her first session is fascinating, and we’d really recommend anyone with an interest in reading or writing poetry to sign up for this. Full details are on the website.
We’re also going to be featuring artists within our CA community, to find out a bit more about their background and what makes them “tick”! And where better than with our own Chair, Angela Vernon Bates?
We hope to have some exciting news about Open Studios very soon. It’ll come as no surprise that we can’t be certain about what’ll happen with our planned September weekend, but we’re looking at a way of having a virtual Open Studios ahead of that. More details to follow.
This is the first of our mini-newsletters which we’ll be using to keep in touch with everyone during the current difficulties. Firstly, if you haven’t already done so, please have a look at the new Home Page of our website (Crowborough-arts.org.uk). We’ve turned it into a sort of online exhibition featuring the creative output of our members! We’re updating it constantly to keep it refreshed, and are putting older items into an archive so we don’t lose anything. We’d really appreciate it if you could take a few moments to have a look and let us have your feedback - and please do send us anything you’d like to share. We want it to be a really lively and entertaining resource for everyone so the more contributions we get the better!
Steering Group member Christine Roberts has begun a series of workshops on poetry written in response to paintings. Her first session is fascinating, and we’d really recommend anyone with an interest in reading or writing poetry to sign up for this. Full details are on the website.
We’re also going to be featuring artists within our CA community, to find out a bit more about their background and what makes them “tick”! And where better than with our own Chair, Angela Vernon Bates?
We hope to have some exciting news about Open Studios very soon. It’ll come as no surprise that we can’t be certain about what’ll happen with our planned September weekend, but we’re looking at a way of having a virtual Open Studios ahead of that. More details to follow.