Chair's Report for 2019.
Miranda Baston, Gill Child, John Eliot, Jane Gray, Mary Harris, Jean Van Beek, Mary Howells, Ron and Alma Burch, Graham James
Welcome to everyone and thanks for giving up your Sunday afternoon. Membership has held up even though we did not hold Open Studios in 2019.
Last year was an exciting time for us planning events for 2020, our 10th birthday year, but we still managed to arrange 15 events - including the putting up of new poster designs and stronger frames at Crowborough Station and the Summer Garden Party, which was held in Sue and Stefan Petszaft’s garden as they had a large tent and several studio buildings that could be used for shelter in case of rain. It was, however, a beautiful day and entertainment was provided by a team of women morris dancers. Thank you Sue and Stefan for a lovely afternoon.
So far this year, we have 13 events booked and more to be arranged, ranging from Chamber music, the Goldberg Variations, through a marvellous folkgroup with step and clog dancing to live musicians accompanying silent films, another Murder Mystery written again by Gaye, besides Open Studios. the Garden Party and a talk by Alice Barnard, our most recent Bursary recipient.
We are working on producing porcelain commemoration mugs, with birthday logo on reverse and a print of one of the station posters on the front. These will be sold to members - hopefully you’ll all buy one for yourself and some for presents, and we are hoping to find other outlets, e.g. Penshurst Place gift shop, Zest, and during Open Studios and other events.
In 2020 we are having a membership drive and Gaye has designed a special leaflet - 10 reasons to join Crowborough Arts. Do take some and keep them in your bag/pocket to give to people who might join. If every member tried to get just one person to join we would have a fantastic membership, and if some of those were from a younger age group that would be even better - so please don’t leave without taking some leaflets.
And now my thank yous:
Thank you to the generosity of our Patrons, David and Jenny Tate for their continued support and our Sponsors, who have grown in number again this year .
The Steering Group committee and all our teams for all the support they have given me and the hard work they have done over the course of the year. It is easy to forget that we are volunteers when we have everything running so smoothly - Gaye who does publicity, the beautiful flyers, manages the website and produces the Newsletter, Christine for her literary work including booklovers and for her notetaking, always managing to make sense of our discussions, and providing our agendas on time, as well as being the Bursary contact. Julia for her input on the Steering Group and wonderful creative flair in organising our in-house events, Jane and Maggie for heading up the Open Studios team - a great weight off my mind this year, and Ivor the Treasurer and membership secretary - who is great at keeping membership renewals up to date and dealing with our complicated budgeting.
I’d also like to thank Stefan Petszaft, for running the Mailchimp distribution list and for his kind and generous help over printing the majority of our flyers, newsletters and publicity almost free of charge - this is a huge help towards our budget.
Open Studios Report
Following a successful 2018 Open Studios the steering group are now busy preparing for this year's event which be held on the 5th and 6th September. Throughout 2019 the steering group met regularly to discuss the suggestions and feedback received from the artists who took part in 2018 and we hope, with the addition of some new venues available for this year, that visitors numbers will increase for the artists who were previously in more isolated locations.
In January we held an information meeting for artists interested in taking part this year and we were pleased to meet up with those who had taken part previously and to welcome some new faces to Open Studios. Following this meeting we were very happy when Jose Planken volunteered her services to the steering group and now joins us for our monthly meetings. Jose will be taking on the task of sorting out the brochure which is an essential part of the event and we are very grateful for her expertise.
Application forms are now on the CA website and the closing date for these is the 31st March. This allows us sufficient time to process applications, arrange venues and to put together the brochure and publicity for the event.
The Steering group would like to say thank you to Crowborough Arts for the support they give to Open Studios and to also thank the members who support the event by offering venues and visiting the studios.
Open Studios, and Life and Portrait reports are presented separately
Station posters.
The seven new designs for poster disply on Crowborough Station were put up in their new frames and the event was celebrated by a photocall of the artists with Mayor Greg Rose in front of the display.
So far 2 of the poster designs have been sold and the postcards showing the posters which are on sale at around the town are selling well.
Summer Show
As the Open Studios team were busy preparing and planning for a big show for the birthday year it was decided not hold the event in 2019 so that everyone had time to concentrate on the birthday event. So that our artist members were not disappointed Grant Bradford kindly lent us his wonderful new barn/stdio building for a Summer Art Show, which was a huge success with 14 people showing their work in an attractive setting. Everyone was looked after amazingly by Vanessa, Grants wife who brought round coffee and cakes to the exhibitors and Marguerite Tinley who appeared at lunchtime with wicker baskets of marvellous nibbles. We are so lucky ot have such generous members.
Glorious Gardens
Once again Penshurst Place generously gave members who wanted to draw or paint free access to their gardens throughout the season, with a special emphasis on Glorious Gardens Weekend, when the gardens are at their most spectacular. It is possible that in 2020 that Penshurst will offer an extra bonus to those who want to take advantage of the Glorious Gardens weekend as they will also be offered a free tour of the House.
Penshurst Christmas Show
The Annual Christmas Show was again held in the Porcupine Pantry and exhibits were of a high standard and were well displayed in the cafe. Three works were sold. Crowborough Arts is most grateflu to Penshurst Place for their continued support and to Gaye Jee for liaising and setting up the events there.
A good year with diverse and interesting concerts.
In January pianist Daniel Tong with cellist Robin Michael in a fundraising concert for Dan’s Wye Valley Festival.
Greek Guitar player Ellie Kotzia also returned but this time with Wllfred Murray - piano. They played a varied programme of solos and duets , ranging from Vivaldi to Ravel.
Aurora Trio eventually played for Crowborough Arts in July, having cancelled their earlier date because Emme Halnan the flautist had broken her wrist.
October featured the Lodestar Trio - with Max Baillie, violin and viola, Erik Rydvall nykelharpa and, in place of Olav Mjelva who was ill and unable to travel, cellist Colin Alexander. They played music for Norway, and pieces connecting Bach and other Baroque composers with folk music.
There are already several great music events arranged for 2020, but our star birthday attraction -the monks from Tibet’s Tashi Lhunpo Monastery have had to cancel their Uk tour this year, so cannot come. However A wonderful and exciting show has now been booked - ZRI - a group of musicians who specialise in mixing classical composers with folk music is bringing their show ZRI and the Adventures of Charlie Chaplin to the Community Centre. Charlie Chaplin film will be shown and the musicians will play and improvise to the film action. Part concert, part film. As this event should have a broad appeal I do hope it will be well supported.
Portrait and Life Classes
These groups have continued through Spring and early Summer meeting in the Youth Room in the United Church Halls. The models for Portrait have mostly been a variety of our friends and neighbours. Our Life Class models, maintain a very high standard, holding challenging short poses and longer more relaxed positions.
The groups have filled up quickly after email invitations are sent out, so we have managed to retain the prices, with slightly larger costs to non-members to encourage them to join Crowborough Arts. I am delighted that Richard Nottingham is willing to continue organising the groups and has filled them each time with keen artists and hard working models. The new studio lighting has helped to illuminate the models and make the poses more interesting.
Mary Harris
Chair's Report for 2019.
Miranda Baston, Gill Child, John Eliot, Jane Gray, Mary Harris, Jean Van Beek, Mary Howells, Ron and Alma Burch, Graham James
Welcome to everyone and thanks for giving up your Sunday afternoon. Membership has held up even though we did not hold Open Studios in 2019.
Last year was an exciting time for us planning events for 2020, our 10th birthday year, but we still managed to arrange 15 events - including the putting up of new poster designs and stronger frames at Crowborough Station and the Summer Garden Party, which was held in Sue and Stefan Petszaft’s garden as they had a large tent and several studio buildings that could be used for shelter in case of rain. It was, however, a beautiful day and entertainment was provided by a team of women morris dancers. Thank you Sue and Stefan for a lovely afternoon.
So far this year, we have 13 events booked and more to be arranged, ranging from Chamber music, the Goldberg Variations, through a marvellous folkgroup with step and clog dancing to live musicians accompanying silent films, another Murder Mystery written again by Gaye, besides Open Studios. the Garden Party and a talk by Alice Barnard, our most recent Bursary recipient.
We are working on producing porcelain commemoration mugs, with birthday logo on reverse and a print of one of the station posters on the front. These will be sold to members - hopefully you’ll all buy one for yourself and some for presents, and we are hoping to find other outlets, e.g. Penshurst Place gift shop, Zest, and during Open Studios and other events.
In 2020 we are having a membership drive and Gaye has designed a special leaflet - 10 reasons to join Crowborough Arts. Do take some and keep them in your bag/pocket to give to people who might join. If every member tried to get just one person to join we would have a fantastic membership, and if some of those were from a younger age group that would be even better - so please don’t leave without taking some leaflets.
And now my thank yous:
Thank you to the generosity of our Patrons, David and Jenny Tate for their continued support and our Sponsors, who have grown in number again this year .
The Steering Group committee and all our teams for all the support they have given me and the hard work they have done over the course of the year. It is easy to forget that we are volunteers when we have everything running so smoothly - Gaye who does publicity, the beautiful flyers, manages the website and produces the Newsletter, Christine for her literary work including booklovers and for her notetaking, always managing to make sense of our discussions, and providing our agendas on time, as well as being the Bursary contact. Julia for her input on the Steering Group and wonderful creative flair in organising our in-house events, Jane and Maggie for heading up the Open Studios team - a great weight off my mind this year, and Ivor the Treasurer and membership secretary - who is great at keeping membership renewals up to date and dealing with our complicated budgeting.
I’d also like to thank Stefan Petszaft, for running the Mailchimp distribution list and for his kind and generous help over printing the majority of our flyers, newsletters and publicity almost free of charge - this is a huge help towards our budget.
Open Studios Report
Following a successful 2018 Open Studios the steering group are now busy preparing for this year's event which be held on the 5th and 6th September. Throughout 2019 the steering group met regularly to discuss the suggestions and feedback received from the artists who took part in 2018 and we hope, with the addition of some new venues available for this year, that visitors numbers will increase for the artists who were previously in more isolated locations.
In January we held an information meeting for artists interested in taking part this year and we were pleased to meet up with those who had taken part previously and to welcome some new faces to Open Studios. Following this meeting we were very happy when Jose Planken volunteered her services to the steering group and now joins us for our monthly meetings. Jose will be taking on the task of sorting out the brochure which is an essential part of the event and we are very grateful for her expertise.
Application forms are now on the CA website and the closing date for these is the 31st March. This allows us sufficient time to process applications, arrange venues and to put together the brochure and publicity for the event.
The Steering group would like to say thank you to Crowborough Arts for the support they give to Open Studios and to also thank the members who support the event by offering venues and visiting the studios.
Open Studios, and Life and Portrait reports are presented separately
Station posters.
The seven new designs for poster disply on Crowborough Station were put up in their new frames and the event was celebrated by a photocall of the artists with Mayor Greg Rose in front of the display.
So far 2 of the poster designs have been sold and the postcards showing the posters which are on sale at around the town are selling well.
Summer Show
As the Open Studios team were busy preparing and planning for a big show for the birthday year it was decided not hold the event in 2019 so that everyone had time to concentrate on the birthday event. So that our artist members were not disappointed Grant Bradford kindly lent us his wonderful new barn/stdio building for a Summer Art Show, which was a huge success with 14 people showing their work in an attractive setting. Everyone was looked after amazingly by Vanessa, Grants wife who brought round coffee and cakes to the exhibitors and Marguerite Tinley who appeared at lunchtime with wicker baskets of marvellous nibbles. We are so lucky ot have such generous members.
Glorious Gardens
Once again Penshurst Place generously gave members who wanted to draw or paint free access to their gardens throughout the season, with a special emphasis on Glorious Gardens Weekend, when the gardens are at their most spectacular. It is possible that in 2020 that Penshurst will offer an extra bonus to those who want to take advantage of the Glorious Gardens weekend as they will also be offered a free tour of the House.
Penshurst Christmas Show
The Annual Christmas Show was again held in the Porcupine Pantry and exhibits were of a high standard and were well displayed in the cafe. Three works were sold. Crowborough Arts is most grateflu to Penshurst Place for their continued support and to Gaye Jee for liaising and setting up the events there.
A good year with diverse and interesting concerts.
In January pianist Daniel Tong with cellist Robin Michael in a fundraising concert for Dan’s Wye Valley Festival.
Greek Guitar player Ellie Kotzia also returned but this time with Wllfred Murray - piano. They played a varied programme of solos and duets , ranging from Vivaldi to Ravel.
Aurora Trio eventually played for Crowborough Arts in July, having cancelled their earlier date because Emme Halnan the flautist had broken her wrist.
October featured the Lodestar Trio - with Max Baillie, violin and viola, Erik Rydvall nykelharpa and, in place of Olav Mjelva who was ill and unable to travel, cellist Colin Alexander. They played music for Norway, and pieces connecting Bach and other Baroque composers with folk music.
There are already several great music events arranged for 2020, but our star birthday attraction -the monks from Tibet’s Tashi Lhunpo Monastery have had to cancel their Uk tour this year, so cannot come. However A wonderful and exciting show has now been booked - ZRI - a group of musicians who specialise in mixing classical composers with folk music is bringing their show ZRI and the Adventures of Charlie Chaplin to the Community Centre. Charlie Chaplin film will be shown and the musicians will play and improvise to the film action. Part concert, part film. As this event should have a broad appeal I do hope it will be well supported.
Portrait and Life Classes
These groups have continued through Spring and early Summer meeting in the Youth Room in the United Church Halls. The models for Portrait have mostly been a variety of our friends and neighbours. Our Life Class models, maintain a very high standard, holding challenging short poses and longer more relaxed positions.
The groups have filled up quickly after email invitations are sent out, so we have managed to retain the prices, with slightly larger costs to non-members to encourage them to join Crowborough Arts. I am delighted that Richard Nottingham is willing to continue organising the groups and has filled them each time with keen artists and hard working models. The new studio lighting has helped to illuminate the models and make the poses more interesting.
Mary Harris
Held on Sunday, 24th February 2019 at Green Lane Cottage at 15.00
Present: Maggie Austin, Julia Ball, Miranda Baston, Angela Vernon Bates, Grant and Vanessa Bradford, Paul Brown, Alma & Ronal Burch, Gill Child, Jane Gray, Gaye Jee, Ivor Quinn, Christine Roberts, Maddy Quantock Snook, Barbara Stokes, Karen Sullivan, David & Jenny Tate, Barbara Todd, Jean Van Beek, John & Sue Whatley, Carmel Yearwood
1. Apologies for Absence: Eric & Fabienne Beale, Ann Benson, Lesley Boase, Mary Bradley, Dave Brooker, Val Crane, Mary Harris, Roland Hughes, Graham & Susan James, Peter Jeffery, Jenni Norris, Sue Petszaft, Marguerite Tinley, Elizabeth Wood.
2. Minutes of 2017 AGM: These were agreed.
3. Election of Committee: all members re-elected on bloc. Proposed and seconded by Jane Gray and Gill Child. Angela Vernon Bates – Chair, Music & Visual Arts; Ivor Quinn – Treasurer & Membership Secretary; Gaye Jee – Marketing & Publicity including Website Management, plus Literary Events; Christine - Secretary & Literary Events; Maggie Austin and Jane Smith – Open Studios.
4. Treasurer’s Report (See balance sheet attached): Membership had remained steady at around 167 but that membership income had increased. This was because the number of members becoming sponsors had increased to 12. Sponsorships ranged from £30 to £100 pa. This increased income meant that we could keep ticket prices for events as low as possible. We made an overall profit of £596 in 2018 and the bank balance at the end of the year was £5,512.
The accounts were signed off by Marguerite Tinley and David Tate.
5. Chair’s Report (See full report):
The Chair, Angela Vernon Bates, welcomed members to the AGM and gave an account of a very busy year with 19 events including the annual Garden Party. These took the form of visual art exhibitions, numerous concerts and talks on a fascinating range of subjects, another popular Murder Mystery event and a combined words and music event: Secret Sussex. In addition to these varied events, other regular groups have been meeting and providing pleasure to members. These include the Life and Portrait Drawing Groups ably managed by Mary Harrison (see separate report), the Playreaders Group managed by Julia Ball and Christine Roberts, and the Booklovers Group convened by Christine Roberts (See LEG events report).
The Chair thanked her committee – namely Gaye Jee for the website, beautiful flyers and the Newsletter, Christine for her work in unscrambling all the talk at meetings and making them into comprehensive notes, Maggie for her hard work on Open Studios, Julia, and Ivor the Treasurer - artists and finance do not always go hand in hand. She also thanked Stefan Petszaft, for doing almost all our printing, a wonderful help and bonus, and David and Jenny Tate, our very special patrons.
Finally the Chair said we are looking forward to another successful year in 2019 as we continue to expand our activities and membership and number of generous sponsors which is growing each year and we are working towards a special Crowborough Arts tenth anniversary in 2020.
6. Marketing & Publicity: The website (see new Website report) is now a very important aspect of our publicity and thanks our due to Gaye Jee for the efficient way she adds and deletes material. The new site has been praised for its clean look and ease of use. It provides an excellent service to all our groups with notifications of forthcoming events, reviews of recent ones, as well as hosting information about our visual arts members. As well as her hard work on the website, Gaye also produces a regular newsletter which enables members and non-member to keep abreast of our diverse offer of entertainment and opportunities for exhibiting art works. Gaye also maintains our Facebook pages.
6. Literary Events Group (See report by Christine Roberts): As well as our habitual groups such as Playreaders and Booklovers and which continue to be successful and interesting, 2018 saw seven literary and performing arts events with great musical input. This year included one on Medieval Gardens by the Head Gardener from Penshurst, another on the History of Variety by Dean Caston, a very entertaining visit by Geoff Hutchins in the persona of Rudyard Kipling talking about his life and work, and a Meet the Authors event with Tessa Boase and Davina Langdale introducing their latest books. An event celebrating the 100th anniversary of women being granted the vote was held. This consisted of a concert by Intarsia with readings on the subject of women, the readings taking the form of monologues by our own Gaye Jee. Gaye also wrote the script of Murder at Wyldboare Hall another in our popular series of murder mysteries held at the Kings Arms. Finally, we all pulled together to produce a show entitled Secret Sussex and celebrating various aspects of our county in words and music. This was so successful that we are hoping to produce again next year in a larger venue.
7. Music (See report by Angela Vernon Bates): As always, the year has seen a variety of excellent concerts as well as input into the production Secret Sussex. Mediterranean Music with Elethferia Kotzia, Intarsia, Robin Michael on the cello with a programme of Bach and Kodaly, and Etrusca for a Christmas concert. Already there are bookings for 2019 including Daniel Tong and Robin Michael and the return of The Aurora Trio. Green Lane music events have already gained a great reputation due to the quality of the artistes performing and the concerts are invariably sold out.
8. Visual Arts (See separate reports on Life & Portrait Drawing and Open Studios). Visual Arts members of Crowborough Studios are very well provided for in terms of their practice with opportunities provided by the Art in the Garden Scheme at Penshurst (and thanks to Penshurst Place for providing this free opportunity); the on-going provision of life and portrait drawing opportunities which this year included tutored sessions by Ashleigh Fisk, a talk by Mary Harris on the wood engraving course at West Dean paid for with her Bursary money, and the winter exhibition by members at Penshurst Place. Added to this list, of course, was the Open Studios event in September when 47 members exhibited. This is a massive undertaking and could not be done without a very effective team to whom thanks are due, including to Gaye Jee who liaised with the Open Studios team to ensure that an excellent website supported the event.
9. AOB: two members expressed a wish to see more input on poetry and the LEG group will look into this.
8. Visual Arts (See report by Angela Vernon Bates):
The Open Studios weekend was another great success and increases in popularity.
9. Crowborough Arts Bursary Award
This year one award of £350 was made to member Di Drummond, a visual artist. Di will be using the proceeds to pay for a course in abstract art and following this will be either running a workshop or giving a presentation to show us what she has learned from her award.
We would like to point out that since August 2013 we have paid out £3150 in bursary awards. A total of eleven local artists, performers and writers have benefitted from this process and we are proud to be able to sponsor our members in this way
AOB : A request was made to have some poetry and music events. The LEG committee will address this.
The meeting concluded at 15.30.
Held on Sunday, 24th February 2019 at Green Lane Cottage at 15.00
Present: Maggie Austin, Julia Ball, Miranda Baston, Angela Vernon Bates, Grant and Vanessa Bradford, Paul Brown, Alma & Ronal Burch, Gill Child, Jane Gray, Gaye Jee, Ivor Quinn, Christine Roberts, Maddy Quantock Snook, Barbara Stokes, Karen Sullivan, David & Jenny Tate, Barbara Todd, Jean Van Beek, John & Sue Whatley, Carmel Yearwood
1. Apologies for Absence: Eric & Fabienne Beale, Ann Benson, Lesley Boase, Mary Bradley, Dave Brooker, Val Crane, Mary Harris, Roland Hughes, Graham & Susan James, Peter Jeffery, Jenni Norris, Sue Petszaft, Marguerite Tinley, Elizabeth Wood.
2. Minutes of 2017 AGM: These were agreed.
3. Election of Committee: all members re-elected on bloc. Proposed and seconded by Jane Gray and Gill Child. Angela Vernon Bates – Chair, Music & Visual Arts; Ivor Quinn – Treasurer & Membership Secretary; Gaye Jee – Marketing & Publicity including Website Management, plus Literary Events; Christine - Secretary & Literary Events; Maggie Austin and Jane Smith – Open Studios.
4. Treasurer’s Report (See balance sheet attached): Membership had remained steady at around 167 but that membership income had increased. This was because the number of members becoming sponsors had increased to 12. Sponsorships ranged from £30 to £100 pa. This increased income meant that we could keep ticket prices for events as low as possible. We made an overall profit of £596 in 2018 and the bank balance at the end of the year was £5,512.
The accounts were signed off by Marguerite Tinley and David Tate.
5. Chair’s Report (See full report):
The Chair, Angela Vernon Bates, welcomed members to the AGM and gave an account of a very busy year with 19 events including the annual Garden Party. These took the form of visual art exhibitions, numerous concerts and talks on a fascinating range of subjects, another popular Murder Mystery event and a combined words and music event: Secret Sussex. In addition to these varied events, other regular groups have been meeting and providing pleasure to members. These include the Life and Portrait Drawing Groups ably managed by Mary Harrison (see separate report), the Playreaders Group managed by Julia Ball and Christine Roberts, and the Booklovers Group convened by Christine Roberts (See LEG events report).
The Chair thanked her committee – namely Gaye Jee for the website, beautiful flyers and the Newsletter, Christine for her work in unscrambling all the talk at meetings and making them into comprehensive notes, Maggie for her hard work on Open Studios, Julia, and Ivor the Treasurer - artists and finance do not always go hand in hand. She also thanked Stefan Petszaft, for doing almost all our printing, a wonderful help and bonus, and David and Jenny Tate, our very special patrons.
Finally the Chair said we are looking forward to another successful year in 2019 as we continue to expand our activities and membership and number of generous sponsors which is growing each year and we are working towards a special Crowborough Arts tenth anniversary in 2020.
6. Marketing & Publicity: The website (see new Website report) is now a very important aspect of our publicity and thanks our due to Gaye Jee for the efficient way she adds and deletes material. The new site has been praised for its clean look and ease of use. It provides an excellent service to all our groups with notifications of forthcoming events, reviews of recent ones, as well as hosting information about our visual arts members. As well as her hard work on the website, Gaye also produces a regular newsletter which enables members and non-member to keep abreast of our diverse offer of entertainment and opportunities for exhibiting art works. Gaye also maintains our Facebook pages.
6. Literary Events Group (See report by Christine Roberts): As well as our habitual groups such as Playreaders and Booklovers and which continue to be successful and interesting, 2018 saw seven literary and performing arts events with great musical input. This year included one on Medieval Gardens by the Head Gardener from Penshurst, another on the History of Variety by Dean Caston, a very entertaining visit by Geoff Hutchins in the persona of Rudyard Kipling talking about his life and work, and a Meet the Authors event with Tessa Boase and Davina Langdale introducing their latest books. An event celebrating the 100th anniversary of women being granted the vote was held. This consisted of a concert by Intarsia with readings on the subject of women, the readings taking the form of monologues by our own Gaye Jee. Gaye also wrote the script of Murder at Wyldboare Hall another in our popular series of murder mysteries held at the Kings Arms. Finally, we all pulled together to produce a show entitled Secret Sussex and celebrating various aspects of our county in words and music. This was so successful that we are hoping to produce again next year in a larger venue.
7. Music (See report by Angela Vernon Bates): As always, the year has seen a variety of excellent concerts as well as input into the production Secret Sussex. Mediterranean Music with Elethferia Kotzia, Intarsia, Robin Michael on the cello with a programme of Bach and Kodaly, and Etrusca for a Christmas concert. Already there are bookings for 2019 including Daniel Tong and Robin Michael and the return of The Aurora Trio. Green Lane music events have already gained a great reputation due to the quality of the artistes performing and the concerts are invariably sold out.
8. Visual Arts (See separate reports on Life & Portrait Drawing and Open Studios). Visual Arts members of Crowborough Studios are very well provided for in terms of their practice with opportunities provided by the Art in the Garden Scheme at Penshurst (and thanks to Penshurst Place for providing this free opportunity); the on-going provision of life and portrait drawing opportunities which this year included tutored sessions by Ashleigh Fisk, a talk by Mary Harris on the wood engraving course at West Dean paid for with her Bursary money, and the winter exhibition by members at Penshurst Place. Added to this list, of course, was the Open Studios event in September when 47 members exhibited. This is a massive undertaking and could not be done without a very effective team to whom thanks are due, including to Gaye Jee who liaised with the Open Studios team to ensure that an excellent website supported the event.
9. AOB: two members expressed a wish to see more input on poetry and the LEG group will look into this.
8. Visual Arts (See report by Angela Vernon Bates):
The Open Studios weekend was another great success and increases in popularity.
9. Crowborough Arts Bursary Award
This year one award of £350 was made to member Di Drummond, a visual artist. Di will be using the proceeds to pay for a course in abstract art and following this will be either running a workshop or giving a presentation to show us what she has learned from her award.
We would like to point out that since August 2013 we have paid out £3150 in bursary awards. A total of eleven local artists, performers and writers have benefitted from this process and we are proud to be able to sponsor our members in this way
AOB : A request was made to have some poetry and music events. The LEG committee will address this.
The meeting concluded at 15.30.
Held on Sunday, 25th February 2018 at Green Lane at 15.00
Present: Angela Vernon Bates, Ivor Quinn, Gaye Jee, Christine Roberts, Lesley Boase, Julia Ball, Barbara Todd, Jane Gray, Gill Child, David Tate, Jenny Tate, Caroline Hobbs, Elizabeth Wood, Polymnia Jones, Margarita Tinley,
1. Apologies for Absence: Sue Whatley, Val and Philip Marriott, Kay Carpenter, Jan Brine, Sue Petszaft, Brian and Christine Grimwood, Frances Geesin, Jean Van Beek, Mary Harris, Graham and Susan James, Stella Mance, Susie Rotberg, Paula, Di Byers, Angie Steger, Angela Butler.
2. Minutes of 2017 AGM: These were agreed.
3. Election of Committee: all members re-elected on bloc. Proposed and seconded by Jane Gray and Gill Child. Angela Vernon Bates – Chair, Music & Visual Arts; Ivor Quinn – Treasurer & Membership Secretary; Gaye Jee – Marketing & Publicity including Website Management, plus Literary Events; Christine - Secretary & Literary Events; Maggie Austin and Jane Smith – Open Studios.
4. Chair’s Report (See attached notes): Thanks to the Steering Group and especially to Gaye Jee for her continuing great work on the website and for producing excellent flyers and newsletters on a regular basis which do so much to promote Crowborough Arts in the local community and elsewhere. She also thanked the Tates for their continued support particularly with regard to hosting our garden party.
It has been a very busy year with six musical events three literary events, a cross discipline event, Life and Portrait Drawing, Booklovers, Playreaders, the Penshurst Winter Exhibition, the Art in the Garden Scheme, and Open Studios.
We awarded two Crowborough Arts Bursaries this year: one to Rebecca Lindsay to help with her PhD studies in children’s literature and the other to Mary Harris, convener of our life and portrait drawing events, to enable her to do a course on wood block printing at West Dean College.
In November the presentation of a bowl created by member Yolande Beer was made to Sue Petszaft to commemorate all the work she has done for Crowborough Arts since its inception. Sue has stepped down from overseeing the Open Studios but will continue to support the organization.
5. Treasurer’s Report (See balance sheet attached): All three sections, Literary Events, Visual Arts and Music made a profit in 2017. There was an overall loss of £2499 much of which was attributable to the costs of building the new website but also the need to reduce the overall balance. This is currently £4412.
Membership of Crowborough Arts had risen from 153 in 2016 to 2008 in 2017.
The accounts were signed off by Marguerite Tinley and David Tate.
6. Marketing & Publicity – Website: Gaye talked about the new website. People present had visited it and there has been positive feedback.
6. Literary Events Group (Report attached): a varied number of events were held including visiting speakers, Emma Slocombe from Knole and Bertie Pearce on the History of Stage Design and Architecture. There were two combined words and music events, i.e. Secret Sussex and Against the Grain with Face to Face. Playreaders and Booklovers continue to draw regular audiences and are very popular.
7. Music (See attached report): It has been a bumper year for musical events. The Green Lane venue proves popular with musicians who like visiting us in advance of a major recital. The link with TWYCA has been maintained and as a result one of the successful competitors has given a concert for us. We give continued support for the Wye Valley Festival. Crowborough Arts is extremely grateful for the financial support given us by Philip and Valerie Marriott who have sponsored several of our concerts.
8. Visual Arts (See attached report): Also a very active year with two art exhibitions, monthly life and portrait drawing sessions and Open Studios. We also had an exciting new offer for our members with the Art in the Garden pass which our Marketing and Publicity Officer, Gaye Jee, was able to negotiate with Penshurst Place. Members were given a free pass enabling them to make frequent visits to the lovely gardens and on a couple of occasions a life model was available enhancing the experience. Over the Glorious Gardens weekend at the beginning of June at least twenty members were present. Some of the work produced was hung in the Penshurst Winter Exhibition which was held in November in The Porcupine Pantry.
The Open Studios weekend was another great success and increases in popularity suggesting a bumper number of artists signing up for 2018 weekend.
AOB : A request was made to have some poetry and music events. The LEG committee will address this.
The meeting concluded at 15.30.
Present: Angela Vernon Bates, Ivor Quinn, Gaye Jee, Christine Roberts, Lesley Boase, Julia Ball, Barbara Todd, Jane Gray, Gill Child, David Tate, Jenny Tate, Caroline Hobbs, Elizabeth Wood, Polymnia Jones, Margarita Tinley,
1. Apologies for Absence: Sue Whatley, Val and Philip Marriott, Kay Carpenter, Jan Brine, Sue Petszaft, Brian and Christine Grimwood, Frances Geesin, Jean Van Beek, Mary Harris, Graham and Susan James, Stella Mance, Susie Rotberg, Paula, Di Byers, Angie Steger, Angela Butler.
2. Minutes of 2017 AGM: These were agreed.
3. Election of Committee: all members re-elected on bloc. Proposed and seconded by Jane Gray and Gill Child. Angela Vernon Bates – Chair, Music & Visual Arts; Ivor Quinn – Treasurer & Membership Secretary; Gaye Jee – Marketing & Publicity including Website Management, plus Literary Events; Christine - Secretary & Literary Events; Maggie Austin and Jane Smith – Open Studios.
4. Chair’s Report (See attached notes): Thanks to the Steering Group and especially to Gaye Jee for her continuing great work on the website and for producing excellent flyers and newsletters on a regular basis which do so much to promote Crowborough Arts in the local community and elsewhere. She also thanked the Tates for their continued support particularly with regard to hosting our garden party.
It has been a very busy year with six musical events three literary events, a cross discipline event, Life and Portrait Drawing, Booklovers, Playreaders, the Penshurst Winter Exhibition, the Art in the Garden Scheme, and Open Studios.
We awarded two Crowborough Arts Bursaries this year: one to Rebecca Lindsay to help with her PhD studies in children’s literature and the other to Mary Harris, convener of our life and portrait drawing events, to enable her to do a course on wood block printing at West Dean College.
In November the presentation of a bowl created by member Yolande Beer was made to Sue Petszaft to commemorate all the work she has done for Crowborough Arts since its inception. Sue has stepped down from overseeing the Open Studios but will continue to support the organization.
5. Treasurer’s Report (See balance sheet attached): All three sections, Literary Events, Visual Arts and Music made a profit in 2017. There was an overall loss of £2499 much of which was attributable to the costs of building the new website but also the need to reduce the overall balance. This is currently £4412.
Membership of Crowborough Arts had risen from 153 in 2016 to 2008 in 2017.
The accounts were signed off by Marguerite Tinley and David Tate.
6. Marketing & Publicity – Website: Gaye talked about the new website. People present had visited it and there has been positive feedback.
6. Literary Events Group (Report attached): a varied number of events were held including visiting speakers, Emma Slocombe from Knole and Bertie Pearce on the History of Stage Design and Architecture. There were two combined words and music events, i.e. Secret Sussex and Against the Grain with Face to Face. Playreaders and Booklovers continue to draw regular audiences and are very popular.
7. Music (See attached report): It has been a bumper year for musical events. The Green Lane venue proves popular with musicians who like visiting us in advance of a major recital. The link with TWYCA has been maintained and as a result one of the successful competitors has given a concert for us. We give continued support for the Wye Valley Festival. Crowborough Arts is extremely grateful for the financial support given us by Philip and Valerie Marriott who have sponsored several of our concerts.
8. Visual Arts (See attached report): Also a very active year with two art exhibitions, monthly life and portrait drawing sessions and Open Studios. We also had an exciting new offer for our members with the Art in the Garden pass which our Marketing and Publicity Officer, Gaye Jee, was able to negotiate with Penshurst Place. Members were given a free pass enabling them to make frequent visits to the lovely gardens and on a couple of occasions a life model was available enhancing the experience. Over the Glorious Gardens weekend at the beginning of June at least twenty members were present. Some of the work produced was hung in the Penshurst Winter Exhibition which was held in November in The Porcupine Pantry.
The Open Studios weekend was another great success and increases in popularity suggesting a bumper number of artists signing up for 2018 weekend.
AOB : A request was made to have some poetry and music events. The LEG committee will address this.
The meeting concluded at 15.30.
Held on Sunday, 26th February 2017 at Green Lane Cottage at 14.30
Apologies for absence: Wendy Edge, Kat Pond, David and Jenny Tate,
Minutes of 2016 AGM: these were agreed/
Election of Committee: all members re-elected en bloc. Proposed and seconded by Carmel Yearwood and Elizabeth Wood. (Angela Vernon Bates – Chair & Music; Ivor Quinn – Treasurer & Membership; Gaye Jee – Marketing & Publicity + Literary Events; Christine Roberts (Secretary, & Literary Events)
Thanks to Committee and especially to Gaye Jee for her contribution to Marketing & Publicity in producing excellent newsletters, to Christine Roberts for work on Literary Events and for co-ordinating Bursary applications. To both for continued work on website. Thanks also to Kat Pond for her work as Membership Secretary and to Ivor Quinn for taking on role of Treasurer and Membership following Kat’s maternity leave. Thanks to continued support from other regular helpers including Mary Harris, Sue Petzsaft and Julia Ball.Chair’s Report (See attached notes). In summary:
Another very successful year thanks to which Crowborough Arts is now ‘on the map’.
Treasurer’s Report: (See balance sheet attached.) The accounts show that Crowborough Arts was more active in 2016 than in 2015. More money was raised and spent. Overall, a loss of £707 was made.
Over the years the bank balance has been steadily increasing. There is no point in holding large amounts of members’ money so this year’s loss was, to a certain extent, deliberate. Literary events, music and visual arts all made a profit. The loss was mainly owing to decisions to spend more on the garden party (as a thank you to members) and to replace the poster frames at Crowborough station. In addition, our grant from Crowborough Town Council for Open Studios was £300, compared to £625 in 2015. We still have a bank balance at the end of 2016 of £6,911.
Membership increased from 144 in 2015 to 153 in 2016. As well as David and Jenny Tate as our patrons, we have 11 members who are sponsors.
Literary Events Group Report: (See separate Report) A much busier year than 2015 with four major events put on and the regular events of Playreaders and Booklovers continuing to flourish
Playreaders regularly attracts around 15 attendees for each meeting and the year started with readings of Chekhov plays and finished with crime plays, e.g. Habeus Corpus by Alan Bennett and.
A thank you to Julia Ball for hosting this event, providing food and organizing the collection of play texts.
Booklovers meet regularly on the third Thursday of each month and number around eight in the group. Members read different books and introduce them. The resultant discussion is always interesting. Approximately twice a year a share book is read. In 2016 The City & The City was one such book attracting both favourable and non-favourable reactions and sparking some fascinating discussion.
At the end of April a words and music event, ‘From Spam to Sushi’ was put on at The Courtyard in Rotherfield. This was a light-hearted look at the history of food from the austerity of the fifties to the variety of the present day.
In June we had our first ever murder mystery event which was held at Hendall Manor Barns. A beautiful day, a beautiful setting and a great event accompanied by a lovely tea served on vintage china.
This was followed by a visiting speaker, Brett Dolman, from Hampton Court who engaged his audience with a fascinating account of making an historic palace accessible to the public in terms of the stories it has to tell.
Finally we joined forces with musicians to present A Christmas Box which was a chronological journey through the history of Christmas told in words, serious and comic, songs, again, serious and comic, fascinating facts and choral speaking with the accompaniment of two recorder players.
Visual Arts Group Report:
Open Studios (See separate report): a very successful event with over 42 artists participating in diverse venues. Those in involved were Sue Petszaft (Lead), Angela Quinn, Molly Williams, Sue Whatley, Dave Brooker and Beverley Johnson and Hannah Muskett. A grant of £625 received from the Town Council and was spent on signage and other publicity. This is our fourth year and Open Studios now has its own momentum and is becoming recognized. This year’s event will be held on the weekend of 3rd and 4th September.
Life Drawing and Portrait Drawing (See separate report): These activities are well supported and sometimes there is a lack of space. There is an excellent selection of models and some lovely work has been produced.
We are planning to organize some tutored life sessions and Eddie Armer, a local artist is booked to take 2 groups in March.
Crowborough Station Project, Postcards and Posters (see separate report):
Sales have slowed down but several local venues are still keen to sell them.
A total profit of £188.92 has been made. Disappointingly there has been some vandalism with a poster taken and two frames damaged. We hope to replace them.
Abbeyfield Request: Abbeyfield Home is looking for a tutor to work with their residents.
Penshurst Winter Exhibition: very successful with 1/3 of paintings exhibited being sold.
In July the Aurora Trio (harp, viola and flute) performed music by Elgar, Bax , Mozart and Ravel and we are hoping for a return visit.
Crowborough Arts Christmas concert ‘E Nato Gesu’ was given by our local duo, Etrusca: Alessandra Testai and Robin Jeffrey who play Christmas Songs of Old Europe on a variety of instruments and in a variety of languages including Old French Occitan.
All concerts sold out and were greatly enjoyed. This year we are welcoming back Florence Cooke who played with Daniel Tong and who will be playing with international acclaimed cellist Christophe Dichter and others as a preparation for their London event ‘Baroque Unwrapped’.
Apologies for absence: Wendy Edge, Kat Pond, David and Jenny Tate,
Minutes of 2016 AGM: these were agreed/
Election of Committee: all members re-elected en bloc. Proposed and seconded by Carmel Yearwood and Elizabeth Wood. (Angela Vernon Bates – Chair & Music; Ivor Quinn – Treasurer & Membership; Gaye Jee – Marketing & Publicity + Literary Events; Christine Roberts (Secretary, & Literary Events)
Thanks to Committee and especially to Gaye Jee for her contribution to Marketing & Publicity in producing excellent newsletters, to Christine Roberts for work on Literary Events and for co-ordinating Bursary applications. To both for continued work on website. Thanks also to Kat Pond for her work as Membership Secretary and to Ivor Quinn for taking on role of Treasurer and Membership following Kat’s maternity leave. Thanks to continued support from other regular helpers including Mary Harris, Sue Petzsaft and Julia Ball.Chair’s Report (See attached notes). In summary:
Another very successful year thanks to which Crowborough Arts is now ‘on the map’.
Treasurer’s Report: (See balance sheet attached.) The accounts show that Crowborough Arts was more active in 2016 than in 2015. More money was raised and spent. Overall, a loss of £707 was made.
Over the years the bank balance has been steadily increasing. There is no point in holding large amounts of members’ money so this year’s loss was, to a certain extent, deliberate. Literary events, music and visual arts all made a profit. The loss was mainly owing to decisions to spend more on the garden party (as a thank you to members) and to replace the poster frames at Crowborough station. In addition, our grant from Crowborough Town Council for Open Studios was £300, compared to £625 in 2015. We still have a bank balance at the end of 2016 of £6,911.
Membership increased from 144 in 2015 to 153 in 2016. As well as David and Jenny Tate as our patrons, we have 11 members who are sponsors.
Literary Events Group Report: (See separate Report) A much busier year than 2015 with four major events put on and the regular events of Playreaders and Booklovers continuing to flourish
Playreaders regularly attracts around 15 attendees for each meeting and the year started with readings of Chekhov plays and finished with crime plays, e.g. Habeus Corpus by Alan Bennett and.
A thank you to Julia Ball for hosting this event, providing food and organizing the collection of play texts.
Booklovers meet regularly on the third Thursday of each month and number around eight in the group. Members read different books and introduce them. The resultant discussion is always interesting. Approximately twice a year a share book is read. In 2016 The City & The City was one such book attracting both favourable and non-favourable reactions and sparking some fascinating discussion.
At the end of April a words and music event, ‘From Spam to Sushi’ was put on at The Courtyard in Rotherfield. This was a light-hearted look at the history of food from the austerity of the fifties to the variety of the present day.
In June we had our first ever murder mystery event which was held at Hendall Manor Barns. A beautiful day, a beautiful setting and a great event accompanied by a lovely tea served on vintage china.
This was followed by a visiting speaker, Brett Dolman, from Hampton Court who engaged his audience with a fascinating account of making an historic palace accessible to the public in terms of the stories it has to tell.
Finally we joined forces with musicians to present A Christmas Box which was a chronological journey through the history of Christmas told in words, serious and comic, songs, again, serious and comic, fascinating facts and choral speaking with the accompaniment of two recorder players.
Visual Arts Group Report:
Open Studios (See separate report): a very successful event with over 42 artists participating in diverse venues. Those in involved were Sue Petszaft (Lead), Angela Quinn, Molly Williams, Sue Whatley, Dave Brooker and Beverley Johnson and Hannah Muskett. A grant of £625 received from the Town Council and was spent on signage and other publicity. This is our fourth year and Open Studios now has its own momentum and is becoming recognized. This year’s event will be held on the weekend of 3rd and 4th September.
Life Drawing and Portrait Drawing (See separate report): These activities are well supported and sometimes there is a lack of space. There is an excellent selection of models and some lovely work has been produced.
We are planning to organize some tutored life sessions and Eddie Armer, a local artist is booked to take 2 groups in March.
Crowborough Station Project, Postcards and Posters (see separate report):
Sales have slowed down but several local venues are still keen to sell them.
A total profit of £188.92 has been made. Disappointingly there has been some vandalism with a poster taken and two frames damaged. We hope to replace them.
Abbeyfield Request: Abbeyfield Home is looking for a tutor to work with their residents.
Penshurst Winter Exhibition: very successful with 1/3 of paintings exhibited being sold.
- Music Report (See separate notes) :
In July the Aurora Trio (harp, viola and flute) performed music by Elgar, Bax , Mozart and Ravel and we are hoping for a return visit.
Crowborough Arts Christmas concert ‘E Nato Gesu’ was given by our local duo, Etrusca: Alessandra Testai and Robin Jeffrey who play Christmas Songs of Old Europe on a variety of instruments and in a variety of languages including Old French Occitan.
All concerts sold out and were greatly enjoyed. This year we are welcoming back Florence Cooke who played with Daniel Tong and who will be playing with international acclaimed cellist Christophe Dichter and others as a preparation for their London event ‘Baroque Unwrapped’.
- Crowborough Arts sponsored a third prize in this prestigious local event.
- Members Garden party to be held on 24th July and it is anticipated that we will have the East Grinstead Brass Band playing as well as Against the Grain – a duo playing spoons and accordion.
- Two tables are available at the craft fair at St Michael’s.
- One of our members, Bethan Hobbs, is happy to run craft workshops and her card is available here today.
- There was a request for more poetry events which LEG will pursue.
- Information sharing: more of this needs to happen and as soon as the new website is up and running we can pursue this.